Thursday, July 19, 2012

Jillian Harris checks in from the Stampede

The Calgary Stampede is supposed to be a GREAT TIME!
It is a ten day rodeo, exhibition and festival held every July in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
The event attracts over a million people.

El ballet de Venga la Alegria

THANK YOU to our anonymous tipster from Barcelona, Spain for alerting us to 
El ballet de Venga la Alegria!!

Gracias a nuestros amigo de Barcelona España nos ha informado acerca de
El ballet de Venga la Alegria!!
(I hope I did the translation ok)

n su

Frisco's 7 Live Was Cancelled

Media Spy article on 7 Live cancellation

We will certainly miss seeing Lizzie Bermudez
 on a regular basis
But I'm sure she will show up again on another show.
And hopefully that show focuses more on her as the host
Too often she spent most of 7 live behind a desk.
Best wishes Lizzie!!
Hope to see you soon!