Friday, July 13, 2012

This Doll is Dapper

Thanks to the anonymous commenter for sending us links of these 
Candy Dulfer videos.
Candy is a smooth jazz saxophonist from Amsterdam.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Look at Mindy Basara's tan suede boots!!!


I must spend my whole life doing this, right?

Has anyone of you ever wondered, "That dude must spend ALL day working on that blog. He must not have a life."

It would seem that way, wouldn't it?
But believe it or not, I spend, on average, ONE MINUTE per post. That's creating and uploading the pics, embedding the video and writing the title.  That time goes up a little if I write much text in the post. And finding the videos isn't as tough as you may think either.  Most of the spots I already know where to go. And as for others, I'm really good with the Google.
And, of course, there's all the great links I get from you.

So, as much as I enjoy this, I do have a life.
I have family and friends, I have other hobbies, I have a job. 
And you never see very many posts on the weekend.

So if you ever wondered, there it is, 
if you never cared, skip this post.
G'Day all!