Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Christine Noël IS WEARING 
BROWN LEATHER BOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where have those boots been all season, Christine?
I think December 2nd was Christine's first day on Fox Charlotte's Rising show and we have only seen her boot up once. Then, when I had pretty much given up for the year, Christine pulls out these beautiful boots!

Maybe Christine just had a review with the bosses and maybe they told her, "You really have to rock the boots more, Christine", or maybe she just found these boots on sale some where. Or even, it could be that she always wears them to celebrate "Hug a News Anchor Day"
Whatever the reason, I just have to say 'THANK YOU CHRISTINE'! 
for making our day and for restoring our faith 
in newswomen wearing boots.

Fiona Forbes hasn't quit on us

Thanks again to the tipster who made us aware of Fiona.
She's been one of the great 'finds' this year.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

San Francisco Gamer Boots Up to use the Play Station Vita

Her boots are so nice they had to show her twice.

The first time is about 1:10 in to the video. 
Then they tire of the usual nerds and go back to the beauty in brown leather at the 1:50 mark.