Thursday, November 3, 2011

The 10! Show's Jillian Mele's first time being booted on the blog

Video Link: 


Recognize this Newswoman? Recognize the couch?

That's Heidi Collins, who used to be on CNN but now is the main anchorette at Fox 9 in Minneapolis.  That's the same station as our Boot Queen Alix Kendall.  It's great to see that Heidi's boots are keeping the couch warm until a (hopefully) booted Alix returns tomorrow.
If you're a big Heidi Collins fan, you can follow this link:
weekdays at 5 and 9 PM Central time to watch Heidi live.
It seems like they do a "stand up" segment at the start of the newscast and then again at 5:40 and the "couch" segment at 5:25. I'll try to watch one night to see if it's the same then. Enjoy.