Tuesday, April 12, 2016


What a special privilege to be able to interview 
one of the Blog's best friends and biggest supporters, 
AMY LUTZ of Fox 43 in Central Pennsylvania!!!!
Amy is so SWEET and  SINCERE and we are all 
VERY FORTUNATE to be able to get to know her better
Amy, Thank you VERY MUCH for allowing us to interview you!! What do you think of the Blog? Have you had a chance to look at it much? If so, have you looked to see what other women in the television industry are wearing,not only in boots, but in clothes in general? 
 I think it's safe to say that my co-anchor Melanie and I look at the blog almost every day. I have never been great at fashion, so it really helps for me to be able to see what other journalists are wearing across the country. 
 I know most everyone on the FOX 43 Morning News has heard of the Blog, but have any of your other colleagues in the business 
mentioned the Blog to you? How about Friends and Family? 
If so, what are their reactions to the Blog? 
I was at a funeral (true story) when a family member asked me if I had gotten any new boots lately. They said I was "famous on the web"! I'll admit that there are mornings I'm feeling absolutely awful and seeing a photo of us with the kindest headline will change my entire mood around. There is so much negativity in this world and we are constantly criticized, so it really is nice to see positive words for a change. 
Did you know that the Blog has a Hall of Fame 
and that you were elected in last year?
I did know!  It was one of my proudest moments! haha!  
This blog is so bad for my bank account! :+)
Have you always been a Boot Lover? 
I have always loved boots, but unfortunately I couldn't wear them until 2007 because my calves were too big! I've lost around 40 lbs since then, and even though many boots still don't fit my gigantic muscles (probably from figure skating), there are a few that do! 
Do you always buy new Boots each fall when the new fashions come out? 
 I tend to keep boots for years because it's so hard for me to find ones that fit! I love to splurge on a pair or two every year but I definitely hold onto them for as long as I can. If money grew on trees, I'd probably shop for them more often! 
Where are your favorite spots to shop for Shoes and Boots? 
 I love a good bargain, so I'm always checking out stores like Marshalls and TJ MAXX. That being said, my favorite pair ever came from the Victoria Secret's catalog! Who knew!? 
Is there a certain pair of boots you wish you had? 
 What is the Style, Color, Height, Heel? 
Why, are you buying? :+)
 Any boot with at least a 3-4 inch heel because I'm only 5 feet tall! 
Is there any style of Boots that women wear that 
you absolutely would NOT wear? Why? 
I love booties, but do you know what doesn't look good in those? My massive calves! :+)  The taller the boots, the more coverage of my legs, so the more comfortable I am! I honestly wish I could wear boots every day of the year. 
You live and work in Central Pennsylvania. What can you tell us about the area? How is it different than other places you have lived and worked? 
Why do we want to come visit Central Pennsylvania? 
I've also worked in West Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina and South Carolina but PA is where I was born and raised, so it will always be home. You should visit Central PA for it's rich history and gorgeous scenery. Gettysburg is one of the most beautiful and fascinating places I've ever been. I'm a city gal, so I find this area to be extremely peaceful. 
I live near cornfields, how cool is that?? 
Is the news business in Pennsylvania any different 
 than other places you have worked? 
Nope. Same job, different state. News in general has drastically changed over the last 5-10 years, but I don't believe it makes a difference where you are. 
How old were you when you knew this is what you wanted to do? 
When I was little I wanted to be Connie Chung in the worst way. However it wasn't until after my freshman year that my father suggested I pursue journalism because I had always excelled in writing and English. I studied print and radio in college and I probably would not have believed you if you had told me back then that I would end up doing TV news. I'm so grateful my dad was able to steer me in the right direction! 
What advice would you give a young person 
just starting out in the business? 
 Never give up and always believe in yourself. Be flexible, open to constructive criticism, work extremely hard and be willing to take the small market jobs right out of school. The experience you will gain there, will prove to be invaluable in your career. 
During your career in this business what types of reporting 
have you been most passionate about? 
 I sit on the executive boards of 2 non-profits that that deal with abuse. Children and Youth Advocacy Board, and Turning Point, a place where adults can learn to heal from childhood sexual abuse. This topic sits near and dear to my heart, and I believe telling the stories of these brave survivors help to educate the public about abuse. 
What ís the typical work day for you? Is part of the next day's show planned before you leave, or do you only prepare the day of the show? 
 My alarm goes off at 12:50am and I try to be at work by 1:45am. I hate being rushed, so I try to get in a little early so I can take my time getting my hair and makeup done. (it's not easy looking somewhat put together at that crazy hour of the morning!) Then we go through our shows and edit scripts before having our morning meeting at 3:15 to discuss the morning's events. Before you know it, it's 4 am- and we are on the air until 9 am! We tape some promos after the show and then get to go home around 10. I then get to spend all day with my little 2 year old girl, and we both go to sleep around 6:30! 
There's a Saturday Night Live skit where three cast members play morning show anchors shooting promos for the week. They're bright and cheery while the cameras are rolling but don't talk to each other in between takes. There's Definitely GREAT chemistry on the Fox 43 Morning News. You all seem to converse, laugh and smile easily, it doesn't appear contrived at all. Is that chemistry something that can be manufactured or does it just happen organically? And how great is it to work in an environment like that? 
Many people will disagree with me, but I believe that chemistry can absolutely be faked. It's definitely not easy, and not everyone is capable of it, but it's very possible. I LIVED that Saturday Night Live skit at one point in my career, and it was not fun. Everyone thought we were the best of friends, which sadly was far from the case. Situations like that make you appreciate great co-workers even more. I literally thank God every day for my co-anchor Melanie. We have such solid mutual respect for each other's journalistic capabilities and we always have each other's back. Having a team you love and admire makes this thing called life, so much easier!!!! (Because let's face it, we see our co-workers way more than our own family members!) 
We saw a video from this past winter of you and Traffic Anchor Chris Garrett singing a duet of the song "Baby, it's cold outside". Was that REALLY you two singing? OMG, it was terrific!! Do either of you sing professionally? Have you thought of doing so?    

Oh man, you're hilarious! I come from a family of musicians, so music has always been a huge part of my life. I also married a broadway actor who legitimately has the best voice I've ever heard, so I leave the professional singing to him. I did grow up in the theater world, (I actually met my husband at theater camp when I was 13) but now I typically keep my mediocre singing to the shower. 
We have read that you are very involved in the community. What charities are you involved with and why should someone who is reading this, become involved in volunteering in their community? 
 I've been involved with a ton of charities over the years, but naming them is not as important as this message: Giving feels better than getting. I've been extremely blessed in life, so I try to do as much as I possibly can to give back. Gratitude helps encourage me to find new and better ways to use my job to make other people's lives better.
We know it ís a broad term but what ís the best part of social media as it relates to your field? Is there anything about social media that makes it more challenging to do your job? 
Facebook has made it much easier for people to tell you what they hate about you. That was definitely difficult to get used to and still is never really fun. The best part of social media is the ability to connect to our viewers on a much more personal level that we can't do during our broadcasts. It helps give us a better feel of the community as well, to really get a pulse of what's important to our viewers. 
Is there anything that your viewers and fans 
don't know about you that would really surprise them? 
I think when viewers meet me in person they are 
surprised at how little I am. I'm only 5 feet tall. 
Last question. Not that you want to leave FOX43, but if someone offered you the choice of these four jobs,which one would you take? 
 1) Host of the Today Show 
 2) A reporter on 60 Minutes 
 3) Cast member on Saturday Night Live 
 4) Host of a Travel or Food Network Show 
Hmmm. I'm honestly not sure I would want any of those jobs! I've always been a realist, so I've never really had any crazy dreams of being a national superstar journalist. I've only ever wanted to do what I love for as long as I can, wherever that may be! 

THANK YOU Amy, VERY VERY MUCH, for taking the time for this interview.

