Friday, January 27, 2012

Comedian Shannon Paul boots up in grey leather on Kare 11

Elizabeth has boots in her closet


WOW Cherish. WOW.

I really love Cherish Lombard's outfit. Nice red sweater. Love the necklace, the belt, the colors of the skirt.  Black Leather Boots. And Cherish may have the straightest, whitest teeth of anyone on this blog.  And she's got a very cute little Southern accent that will make you melt. 
Watch (and listen to) the video.

Leeann Trotter has a classic Chicago look

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Jean Chatzky boots up on Today

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Lacey Lett playing Twister in boots? Yea, I'll watch that.

St. Louis Boot Battle

Based on boot height alone, I'd give this battle to Carol Daniel, but I just LOVE Virginia's high white socks.

Sacramento Fashion Segment

Karli Ritter uses her boots for storage

That's a lot of leather Ms. Crouch!!

Bethany has a very pretty midnight blue silky blouse and cute necklace to go with her Black Leather Over the Knee Boots.

Annie Yu has her Monster Truck Boots on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bethany is lovely in her big black leather boots

Unfortunately Annalee is not on the air today so there's no chance for a boot battle there but Bethany brightens our day with her silky blue blouse and black leather boots!!

Tera In Boots On Dance Party Friday In Charlotte