Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2013


The multi-faceted Angela Christoforos gives us perspective on large and small markets. This fashionista shares her talents and thoughts using many different outlets and we are very fortuitous to be able to hear from her on our Blog!!!

Angela, Thank you for doing this interview!
What were your first thoughts when you found out there was a Blog called “The Appreciation of Booted Newswomen”? 
I thought that it was very unique, I’ve never seen another blog like it that’s tailored specifically to Newswomen fashion!

What do you think of the Blog?  Have you had a chance to look at it much? If so, have you looked to see what other women in the television industry are wearing, not only in boots, but in clothes in general? 
I think the blog is interesting, it’s fun to see how 
newswomen in different TV markets dress.

Have any of your colleagues in the 
business mentioned the Blog to you? 
Nope, they’ve never heard of it before!

Have you always been a Boot Lover? 
Yes, especially when inclement weather 
or the season calls for it.

Do you always buy new Boots every fall 
when the new fashions come out? 
I usually buy at least 1 or 2 new pairs when the fall/winter season comes around. Usually in neutral colors, like black and brown.

Where are your favorite spots to shop for Shoes and Boots? 
I love Steve Madden shoes, and love to shop at places like Macy’s and T.J. Maxx for good deals on designer brands.

Is there a certain pair of boots you wish you had? 
What is the Style, Color, Height, Heel? 
I already own quite a variety, but every time the new season arrives I always have an itch to update my collection. I think every women needs a pair of flat boots, heeled boots, wedge boots, and of course rain boots for different occasions. Since I am a one-man-band reporter, I need flat shoes while I am out on the field, so it’s very likely I’ll be purchasing a new pair of flat boots this upcoming season.

Is there any style of Boots that women wear 
that you absolutely would NOT wear? Why? 
I think it all really just depends on the occasion. It’s probably not appropriate to wear stiletto 5-inch heeled boots during the day while running errands or at work, but those same boots could look great for a night out with girlfriends.

You are a reporter at WAGM-TV in Presque Isle, Maine. I bet a lot of people haven't heard of Presque Isle, but I am sure it's fantastic.  What can you tell us about the city and it's surrounding area? 
Presque Isle is a very rural area. It is in one of the most Northern parts of the Country, right on the border of Canada. It’s a part of “Aroostook County” in Northern Maine. It is a great place to enjoy outdoor activities like biking, hiking, skiing, snow shoeing, and riding 4 wheelers! The pace is certainly a bit slower than the hustle and bustle of city life, and has a very “small town” mentality to it. The community is very close knit, and the people are very friendly. I had never heard of a “tractor pull” until moving up here to Northern Maine. Agriculture is a huge part of the economy in Northern Maine, you can’t go for 5 minutes driving without seeing a large potato field!

I know you worked for a few news outlets in Boston. 
How far from Boston is Presque Isle? 
Driving it’s about 7 hours away. But there’s an airport in 
Presque Isle that flies straight to Logan airport in Boston, 
and that flight is only an hour and a half.

What’s different about working television news in Boston and Presque Isle? Do you have to work harder 
or differently to find your stories? 
There’s a big difference. For one, Boston is one of the top 10 markets in the country, and Presque Isle is one of the smallest. It’s all based on DMA, or in another words your viewing audience. The more viewers you have, the bigger the TV market is. Presque Isle is a good starter market for beginners, a place where you learn how to do the job well and pay your dues. In Boston crimes happen on a daily basis, in Presque Isle they are a far more less frequent. My stories vary on any given day from hard news to feature stories. At my station, we are very connected to our community and cover several stories pertaining to events going on through our community.

You write a column for Dirty Water News, which 
bills itself as Boston's Best Entertainment News. 
Is that both a printed and online newspaper? 
What topics do you cover in your column? 
It is a bi-weekly printed entertainment publication distributed throughout Boston, and it is also available on I write a fashion column as well as a local celebrity column. I write articles on fashion trends, local boutiques, as well as designer profiles on local talent. In my local celebrity column I spotlight up and coming talent in the Boston area and conduct similar Q&A interviews like this one. Local celebs range from actors/actresses, models, singers, designers- really anyone doing something worthy of recognition.

You have a blog, Keeping Up With Ang.
What do you blog about? How often do you post? 
What do you enjoy about blogging? 
My blog is a way of showcasing events, stories, and projects that I’m part of. I share everything from video clips to news stories, articles on fashion and Hollywood celebs, beauty product reviews, lifestyle & advice articles, photo shoots images, inspiration, travels, and more. It’s basically my virtual corner of the web where I share my career, projects, and personal journey.

You have worked as an actress in commercials and as an extra in films and TV shows. 
Is that a career path you still may follow? 
That is something that I would like to continue doing on the side!

How well did being a former pageant contestant (competed in Miss Teen Massachusetts and Miss Boston pageants) help you prepare for a career in the media? 
Pageants are a great tool to help prepare for a career in the media because it really is a great vehicle for developing communication skills, as well as presence and etiquette. Communication skills are vital in this business, and the interview portion of pageants really help prepare contestants to polish their interview skills and present themselves in a positive manner. Something that is indeed useful in any industry.

I read that you are a passionate advocate for Autism Awareness.  What message would you want to get out to people who may not know or understand much about Autism? 
Autism is a wide spectrum, and affects each person with autism differently. My brother is high-functioning, talented, and intelligent but he still needs services to aid him with his social skills. Autism takes a large toll on a family, and unless you have a family member of your own with someone it can be difficult to understand the daily struggles that these families are faced with. You can read more on my brother on my website -> 

If someone wanted to help out with Autism Awareness, is there a favorite organization of yours that works on Autism research or helps families of those with Autism that we could donate to? 
I love to work with Autism Speaks. I do the walks yearly, and have organized fundraisers in the past to raise money for the organization.


If someone offered you the choice of these four jobs, 
which one would you take?  
1) Host of the Today Show      
2) A reporter on 60 Minutes 
3) Host of Entertainment Tonight   
4) Broadcast Journalism Professor at Suffolk University
I’d have to say I’m tied with 1 & 3!

Are there places other than what we've mentioned (WAGM, Dirty Water News, Keeping Up With Ang) that our readers should be going to look for your work? 
I also frequently update my facebook fan page-> and I have my own website at


We are now a perfect FOUR for FOUR with our Interviews!! 
INTELLIGENT WOMEN have granted us interviews.  
I feel so thankful and humbled that they would 
take the time and effort to do this for our Blog!!!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Vanessa Freeman Shares Her Wonderful Experiences And ALWAYS POSITIVE Outlook With Us

Vanessa, Thank you very much for granting us an interview!!!!

What were your first thoughts when you found out there was 
a Blog called "The Appreciation of Booted Newswomen"?
When I stumbled across the Booted News Women blogs, I was blown away for two reasons.  One, because this is an awesome way to check out what my favorite news ladies are wearing. And secondly, by the sheer span of markets the Booted News Women blog covers.  You have news women of all calibers featured on your site; all brought together by one of my favorite accessories.... BOOTS!!

What do you think of the Blog?  Have you had a chance to look at it much? If so, have you looked to see what other women in the television industry are wearing, not only in boots, but in clothes in general?
I love news and current events, but I think a rare gem like this, were you can check out your favorite news people and see what they are wearing is AWESOME! After all, style is an important part of the job, and with this site, you can not only see the foot game, but you get to see the entire ensemble.   

Have any of your colleagues in the business mentioned the Blog to you?
Actually, I'm the one that usually mentions the site to others 
and then they say "Oh yes! I've seen that blog before!" 

Have you always been a Boot Lover?
 I have always been a boot lover. But finding a good boot is like finding a soul mate--you can't just waltz into a store, grab a pair, throw them on and think it's going to click!  And you can totally tell when somebody has done that, there is no harmony.  When looking for a boot you have to consider your leg size and the width of the boot, the texture, color and of course the heel.  And with all these powers combined you will have a great boot that looks like its made for YOU!

Do you always buy new Boots every fall when the new fashions come out?
I do try to purchase two boots every fall season (a black and brown), but some seasons I just don't find styles that fit me.  So I end up wearing most of my boots into the next season.  Luckily I opt for classic styles that can be wore for many seasons to come.  

Where are your favorite spots to shop for Shoes and Boots?
My favorite spot for boots is Nine West and Steve Madden.

Is there a certain pair of boots you wish you had? What is the Style, Color, Height, Heel?
I wish I had a pair of suede, brown boots with a wide, thick heel.... not chunky, but not super skinny stiletto either.  It may sound like a simple style, but I haven't been able to find it just yet. 

Is there any style of Boots that women wear that 
you absolutely would NOT wear? Why?
 For some reason I cringe every time I see the Steve Madden, timberland heeled boots.  J-Lo wore them in her "Jenny from the Block" music video.  Everyone one loved them and so did I.  I remember I took to the store right after the video premiered on MTV.  (Mind you, I'm dating this by saying "debuted on MTV" when was the last time an actually music video was on MTV lol).  It was high school for me, and that fad was done by the time I graduated.  I actually think the style was only cute of one year after, but for some reason folks just couldn't let go.  So now, every so often I'll see that familiar style creep up and I cringe.  
It's time to lay it to rest.  
The aforementioned Boots

I read you worked as a production assistant on the Today Show. There seems to be a lot of women wearing some fantastic boots on that show.
Yes! The Today Show is fashion heaven.  I think they walk the line of classy/sexy effortlessly--from head to toe.  The attention to footwear is definitely impeccable.  Boots of all shades, textures and heights are worn on that show, but I have to say I love the way Savannah Guthrie works her boots.  And Tamron Hall is a boot lover as well.  She's shorter then Savannah, so her opts for the sky height styles.

What was it like working there (Today Show)?  Did you have a lot of interaction with the people that appear on camera?   How early in the morning did you have to be at work?  How late did you stay to plan the next day’s show?
Working for the NBC Network was an amazing experience, but not for the faint of heart.  I worked every schedule you can imagine, from the crack of dawn till the afternoon, the afternoons until night and even the overnight desk shift...watching the overnight travels of the President, Secretary of State, etc.  Working in the District of Columbia we handled all of the live hits that came out of Washington.  So if you see Andrea Mitchell,  David Gregory, Tom Costello or Lisa Myers coming live from Washington, we used the help coordinate those live shots.  So, yes, I worked very closely with all of them.  Especially with MSNBC, I assisted with "Hardball with Chris Mathews" and "Morning Joe" with Mika and Joe.  I had a blast working with them all.  One thing I learned about TV folks--as conservative and straight laced as they seem on the air, they are just as candid and inappropriately hilarious off air.  One thing I loved about working there, is that you never knew who would walk through those doors.

How would you compare hosting Living Dayton, 
a lifestyle show, to being a news reporter?
 I would say reporting news and hosting "Living Dayton" have many similarities.  Although one is obviously harder and the other is lighter, we are still doing a community service of providing information to our community.  Just as residents need to know about an accident or a traffic congestion, it's important for them to be aware of events, fundraisers and other great ways to explore and energizer their community through involvement.  And I think involvement is the key.  A show like ours in my opinion, really answers the question "What is there to do around here?"  And I think everyone, aside from folks that live in  a major city swear there is NOTHING to do in their town--but "Living Dayton" really gives you those answers topically and makes you aware of ways you can take advantage of and give back to your community. Not to mention we shine a spotlight on so many unsung and unknown people that are keeping the wheels turning in our community.  It was definitely an adjustment for me, but I feel good about what I do.  Even though I am not reporting on a fire or a drug bust, I really feel there is balance in what we provide our community. 

What’s the typical work day for you? Is the next day’s show planned before you leave, or do you do you prepare the day of the show?
 A typical day starts around 8:30am for me.  Usually, the show is pretty much done from the day before, so I just prepare my notes and tighten things up.  We have our morning meeting to go over logistics and then try to do a brief meet and greet with the guests before we go live at noon.  Once we go off air, we begin producing and writing for the next day.  And of course there are a number of incidents that pop up in between, like guest cancellations, animals running wild in the studio and the occasional missing intern lol.  Just another day! 

What have you found out about Dayton, Ohio, that really surprised you?
 For me, I've know Dayton was big on aviation, of course since the Wright Brothers worked their magic right here, but I didn't realize how heavily that history is still interwoven in the community, from certain restaurants and businesses to the events that take place in town.  I'm not completely surprised given the rich history, but it is interesting to see the current adaptation and how folks pay homage to those memories.  

I have read that you have done a fair amount of theater acting.  I LOVE live theater. What has been your favorite part to play so far in that career?  What role do you REALLY WANT TO PLAY sometime?
This will make me sound like a total dork, but I loved playing Cha Cha in "Grease."  It is one of my favorite movies and I actually was in the musical during my senior year...yeah, perfect timing!  I've been taking ariel silk class, so I am very into using my angles and dancing right now. I would have to say being in a musical like Chicago that is heavily choreographed and celebrates femininity would be right up my alley. 

How well did being a former pageant contestant and queen 
help you prepare for television and theater?
 Being a former pageant queen was great for me.  I was painfully shy growing up, and knowing that I wanted do something in broadcast, I just consistently put myself in out there.  From talent contests to theatre productions.  I think I really found a natural grove in pageants though--it helped me sharpen my poise and the ability to present under pressure. 

For someone who has always thought they should spend some time volunteering, what would you say to them to convince them to go for it? 
 I think everyone should be for something.  I love this quote I heard on Oprah's Master Class, "Service is the price you pay for taking up space on the Earth."  And just as the earth gives back we should do the same.  I would say, start small.  Find out what cause gets you going. Maybe someone in your family is struggling with a disease or disorder, and you could speak on their behalf to help rise awareness.  It doesn't have to be a grand gesture--the tiniest thing can snowball into something gigantic.

If someone offered you the choice of these four jobs, 
which one would you take?  
1) Host of the Today Show      
2) A reporter on 60 Minutes 
3) Network News Foreign Correspondent   
4) Host of The Miss USA Pageant
If I was offered any of those four jobs, it would have to be 
The Today Show... second would be Foreign Corespondent 

Just like Ashley and Lisa, Vanessa put a lot of effort in to the interview. I REALLY, REALLY appreciate her candidness, enthusiasm, and insight. As you have read she is a woman of many interests and talents and experiences and we are very privileged to have her as a fan of the Blog.  THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing us to interview you Vanessa!!!

Friday, July 5, 2013


Lisa Ferguson Provides Insight Into 
The Life Of An Independent Journalist
(photo courtesy of Lisa Ferguson)

Lisa, Thank you very much for granting us an interview!!!!
Of course! Thank you for having me.

What were your first thoughts when you found out there was a Blog called “The Appreciation of Booted Newswomen”?
I was definitely intrigued. I had no idea so many newswomen wore boots! When I first learned about the blog it had four million views and growing. Now it’s already up to more than five million – wow!!

What do you think of the Blog?  Have you had a chance to look at it much? If so, have you looked to see what other women in the television industry are wearing, not only in boots, but in clothes in general?
I love the blog! I think a lot of people picture newswomen as wearing your typical pantsuit and heels, but it’s great to see that we can be well-informed, professional, and fashionable all at once. The blog covers women all around the country – from independent journalists like me all the way up to the women on network news. It’s really fun to see what different women are wearing – and I’ve even found one of my old coworkers on the blog, which was really neat!

It’s well known to our readers that the Blog sent you two pairs of Boots. You wore a pair of off-White Over the Knee Boots during a series of TYT University videos. There was a lot of negative reaction from TYTU viewers about those Boots. What did you think of that reaction?
Oh gosh, that was so funny. First of all, thank you again for the boots! I love both pairs (even the ones that got criticized on TYTU). To be honest, those white boots look great in person, but the camera just didn’t do them justice. Working in the media (especially online, where people have the ability to comment) is a big lesson in self-esteem and in social psychology. People are willing to say some really mean and hateful things online, but at the end of the day you just have to let it roll off your shoulders. My view of comments like that is – it’s their problem, not mine.
The aforementioned White Boots

Have you worn those Boots again?
I haven’t worn the boots again, but only because it was nearing the summer months in LA and was getting too hot. But I definitely plan on wearing them again. They survived the move and are here with me in Iowa!

Do you always buy new Boots every fall 
when the new fashions come out?
I love, love, love boots. If I could wear them all year, I would. They can be expensive, but I try to buy at least one pair ever year. I think last year I bought – I’m just counting in my head now – four pairs, plus the two from the blog. Wow! I guess that’s enough to last me a little while. ;)

Is there a certain pair of boots you wish you had? 
What is the Style, Color, Height, Heel?
Some of my favorite boots are the ones I bought while I was living in Spain. They were mid-calf, flat heel, white, and had a tie on the side. Those things traveled all over Europe with me – Spain, Paris, Rome – but I left them there when I moved back to the States. If I could have those again I would, but I think that’s for nostalgia more than style.
Lisa's Boots of Spanish Leather!!
(photo courtesy of Lisa Ferguson)

Is there any style of Boots that women wear 
that you absolutely would NOT wear? Why?
Hmmm…I like to be adventurous and mix it up sometimes when it comes to fashion, so I can’t say there are too many things I wouldn’t wear. But some boots – like the thigh highs with stiletto heels – might be a little too much for me. They’re just not practical.

How did you come to be on TYT University?
I was working as an on-air political correspondent for Current TV, which shared its studio space with The Young Turks. One day John Iadarola (my now co-host) came up to me, introduced himself, and asked if I’d like to fill in as a guest host on TYT University for the week. I told him I’d love to – and then that turned in to the next week, and the next week, and eventually became a permanent gig!

Can you explain to our readers how TYT University is actually part of a bigger piece, The Young Turks, and how it all fits together?  Are these channels on You Tube only, or is TYT something we can see on Cable TV?
The Young Turks was started by Cenk Uygur and is now the largest online news show in the world. The main show has a bunch of offshoots like TYT University (which covers news for college students and young adults), along with TYT Sports and several other shows that fit more of a niche audience. For now you can also watch The Young Turks main show on Current TV, but as you might know Al Jazeera recently bought out Current. The best way to watch TYTU is to subscribe to our YouTube channel 

I really like John Iadarola's personality, is he the same off air as he is on?
John is so great. He’s an amazing co-host and friend, and has put a ton of effort into making TYTU the best it can be. When I first started hosting TYTU, our YouTube channel had about 25,000 subscribers. Now it has more than 100,000! That’s a huge testament to the amount of work John puts into the channel. As far as personality goes, I think John and I are both pretty much the same on air as we are off. Of course, sometimes you have to be a little more vibrant and well-spoken on camera than you are when no one is watching – but on TYTU there’s no scripts, no teleprompters, no acting – it’s just us.

You recently moved from Southern California to Iowa.  
How did the move go?
I did! Packing and moving is always stressful, but overall it went really well. The people here are incredibly friendly, so that helps make the transition easier.
What have you found out about Iowa that has most surprised you?
I think LA and Iowa are about as different as you can get, so I’m experiencing a little culture shock. I’m always cracking myself up because I keep noticing the birds chirping – they’re so loud! Hearing birds shouldn’t be weird, but to me it is. I guess there just weren’t many birds where I lived in LA. I’m from Colorado so it’s been amusing to watch myself turn from a country girl into a city girl, and now have to acclimate myself to nature again.

I know you are still contributing to TYT University with videos but you are also producing many more videos on your own You Tube channel .  
What can we expect to see on your channel?
I’m really excited to start my own channel! Just like growing a business it can be difficult and full of ups and downs, but overall it’s a lot of fun. Some topics that really speak to me are environmental issues, women’s issues, politics and international news, so expect to see plenty of that. I’m also working on getting back into the field and doing some reporting on location. That will definitely take some time and effort, but it’s the part I’m most excited about.

I’m sorry to ask this selfish question. Your newest videos only show you from the shoulders up.  Is that a conscious decision to help the viewers concentrate on the video’s content rather than on what you may be wearing?  Any chance that may change when Boot season rolls around again?  

 It’s more a matter of limited resources than anything else. Until I can rent out some studio space or get into the field with a photographer, I’m pretty much stuck filming with a webcam or cell phone - which is why you only see from the shoulders up. But I’d love for that to change! Once my blog starts to grow and I get more resources, I’ll have a little more flexibility.

If funding or any other restrictions were not an object, what type of reporting would you want to do and where would that be seen? 
If I could do anything, it would definitely be in the field documentary reporting. It’s important to me to uncover stories that are not in the mainstream media, and to get out there and talk to people about how they’re impacted by current events. Getting to know people is the fun part for me. I’d love to do those types of videos on my own website and YouTube channel. Working for myself gives me the flexibility to cover what I want, rather than be controlled by corporate media or a large news organization.

Do you consider yourself to be a ‘backpack journalist’?
I do consider myself a backpack journalist. To me that means you’re self-reliant. I film, edit, write, produce, and host everything myself. It’s challenging, but I like knowing I can count on myself if I’m working alone. It’s also allowed me to travel a bit. I’ve filmed and produced environmental videos in Mexico 
produced and directed a documentary on racism and neo-Nazis
and hopped an a bus with a group of undocumented immigrants traveling from Los Angeles to Sacramento (the blog is here: 
and you can catch the video at the end of my reel: have been some of the best (and at times scariest) experiences of my life.

Was there anything from your youth that made you want to become a “story teller”?
Not so much from when I was a kid, but when I was in college I learned about the documentary series Vanguard on Current TV. I saw these journalists going around the world, undercover, reporting on some of the most important but under-reported stories our world is facing and I thought: I have to do that. Luckily, I was able to work for Vanguard for a year before the show was cancelled. Hopefully I’ll be able to do something like that again, and I’m trying to incorporate some documentary elements into my own channel.

I believe you used to work as an investigative producer and writer for KCNC-TV (CBS) in Denver. Do you think you’ll ever go back to work, on air, for a TV news station or network?  Or would you find that too restricting for what you want to do?
You’re good! ;) I did used to work there and it was a great start to my career. I never say never, so maybe I’ll be back on a network someday, but for now I’m enjoying doing my own thing.

I know it’s a broad term but what’s the best part of social media as it relates to your field?  Is there anything about social media that makes it more challenging to do your job?
The best part about social media is that it lets me interact with my viewers one on one. They Tweet me, talk to me on Facebook or on YouTube, and I get to know what they’re interested in, what they like and don’t like, and what kind of stories they want me to cover. Plus they get to know a little more about me aside from what they see on TYTU or on my own channel. It’s little bit of a double edged sword because some people are hateful or judgmental when they don’t like what I have to say, but you just have to learn to roll with the punches.

If someone offered you the choice of these four jobs, 
which one would you take?  
1) Host of the Today Show      
2) A reporter on 60 Minutes 
3) Network or Cable News Foreign Correspondent        
4) Cast member on Saturday Night Live 
International news is a big passion of mine, so I’d have to say #3. But a cast member on Saturday Night Live is a closer runner-up. I think I’m pretty funny (I’m just not sure anyone else does) ;)

THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing us to interview you, Lisa!!!
Thank you!! Anytime :)

As you can see, just like Ashley Kringen in our first interview,
Lisa put a TON OF THOUGHT and EFFORT in to the Interview answers.  

Do yourselves a favor and check out all of Lisa's links above. 
She's a progressive, passionate journalist and we'll be hearing 
a lot more from her in the future!!!!

I may taking a few days (or weeks, or months)
off from the Blog.But every time I've ever wrote that 
I'm out, they ALWAYS pull me back in

Sunday, June 23, 2013


For a while now, we've wanted to try and add 
a regular feature to the Blog where we get to interview a 
newswoman about their jobs, cities where they work 
and about Boots, of course.
We finally gathered up the courage to ask for an interview
 and Ashley Kringen of KFOR in Oklahoma City 
graciously agreed to an email interview.
You will always hold a special place on our Blog as the very first interview subject!!

What were your first thoughts when you found out there was a Blog called “The Appreciation of Booted Newswomen”?

I saw the tweet and wondered what is the Booted Blog? Then I clicked on the twitter handle and thought it was unique & interesting to see a bunch of newswomen rocking boots all over the country. I’m a firm believer in boot fashion, so after I checked out the blog, I was flattered to be a part of it.

What do you think of the Blog?  
Have you had a chance to look at it much?

The blog to me gives credit to the true appreciation of the boot world. There definitely seems to be a trend of booted women all over the country, but along with fashion, comes durability. Reporters never know what weather conditions they’re going to be battling and for me, boots are always my go to.

Have any of your colleagues in the business mentioned the Blog to you?

I haven’t had any colleagues mention the Booted Blog to me, but when I see ladies sporting boots in the news world, I tend to mention the blog and let them know, they might make an unexpected appearance one day.

Have you always been a Boot Lover?

Yes, boots have always had a place in my closet. I grew up in South Dakota, so I’m a cowgirl at heart. I have nearly a dozen pairs of cowgirl boots in different styles, textures and colors.

Do you always buy new Boots every fall 
when the new fashions come out?
During season changes, I always check what’s trending on the shelves. This past season, I enjoyed the equestrian/riding boots that seemed to take the boot world by storm.  I got a tan and black pair that have gotten a lot of use out of them between Fall and Spring.

Where are your favorite spots to shop for Shoes and Boots?

Aldo, Steve Madden, Boot Barn and Shoe Dazzle are my top rated shoe shopping places.

Is there a certain pair of boots you wish you had? 
What is the Style, Color, Height, Heel?

I’m really into tiffany blue right now. I would love a pair of tiffany blue suede cowgirl boots, with a one-inch heel and possibly a floral design on them.

Is there any style of Boots that women wear 
that you absolutely would NOT wear? Why?

Boots with a thick platform are not my style, mainly because they don’t feel as feminine to me.

How has your move from Sioux Falls to Oklahoma City gone?  
Have you ever lived in that part of the country?

The move has been a fairly easy transition. It helps that I’m doing a job I love, which allows me to adapt anywhere.

How soon after you started at KFOR did 
the devastating tornadoes hit Oklahoma?
The tornadoes hit four days after I started the job. It was an eye-awakening experience and professionally and emotionally challenging.

Did it help your transition to a new station and city 
to have a big story to cover right away?

It was a very challenging learning experience for me. With each report, I got to know quality of people in Oklahoma. Through tragedy and devastation, courage and perseverance evolved. The strength of Oklahomans is truly inspiring.

Did it help you personally deal with the sadness of the event to see all of the volunteers and rescuers and the goodness of humanity that came out after the storms?

I had to report on some heart-wrenching stories of loss of life, property and a whole community mourning together. However, reporting survivor stories helped shed a light on all the darkness. My favorite story I did during the devastating tornadoes was when I got to play Santa Clause and hand out a gift cards to storm victims. Watching their faces light up and smiles form from ear-to-ear was an incredible sight to see. I felt lucky to be a part of those moments.

Are TV reporting styles different at KFOR and OKC 
than they were at KDLT in Sioux Falls?

As far as reporting styles in different television markets, I would say they’re pretty much the same. Everything I learned in Sioux Falls, I soaked up like a sponge and applied it to my station in OKC.

How old were you when you knew you wanted to get in to broadcasting?

Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be in the spotlight. I was always singing and dancing and being the star of my own show. Then when I hit college, I knew, television was exactly where I wanted to be.

If someone offered you the choice of these four jobs, 
which one would you take?  
1) Host of the Today Show      2) A reporter on 60 minutes 
3) War Correspondent overseas    4) Host of The Voice

I would choose option #2 because I would like an opportunity to spend more time developing stories rather than condensing them into 90 seconds or less. 60 Minutes offers investigative reports, in depth features and gets to the bottom of serious issues through “gotcha journalism.”

              THANK YOU SO MUCH Ashley.
As you can see, Ashley spent time and gave us some very thoughtful answers and insights.
She didn't just mail it in. We're very fortunate to have Ashley as a fan of our Blog!!

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