Wednesday, March 19, 2014


This is the Interview you all have been asking for!!
We get to know one of the Blog's Best Friends, 
Brooke Wagner of Fox 31 in Denver.
 Brooke, Thank you VERY MUCH 
for allowing us to interview you!!
What do you think of the Blog?  Have you had a chance to look at it much? If so, have you looked to see what other women in the television industry are wearing, 
not only in boots, but in clothes in general?
I truly enjoy checking out the blog!  It not only highlights current TV style, but gives me a glimpse of what stations around the country are doing.  Booted Blog keeps the comments classy, positive, respectful, and fun.
I know most everyone on Good Day Colorado  
has heard of the Blog, but have any of your 
other colleagues in the business mentioned 
the Blog to you?  
How about Friends and Family?
If so, what are their reactions to the Blog?
Everyone at Good Day loves the blog!  We really get into checking it out each day - we love the headlines and appreciate the kind words.  The Booted Blog has been such a great supporter of our show, with so many fun posts.  It makes our team feel really good.  We are flattered and humbled by the response.  My family is very impressed that I'm "on a blog," however my husband does occasionally make fun of me in a good-natured way!  He's not sure what to think of all the boots!
Have you always been a Boot Lover?
I bought my first pair of cowboy boots when I was a senior in high school, and I was hooked!
Do you always buy new Boots each fall 
when the new fashions come out?
Not really – I’m a bargain hunter, so I prefer to shop at the END of the season for the following year.  I'm not super into trends.
Where are your favorite spots 
to shop for Shoes and Boots?
I love vintage and unusual boots, so I often look on Ebay.  I also like to check Amazon and 6PM (Zappos’ clearance site) for great deals.
Is there a certain pair of boots you wish you had? 
What is the Style, Color, Height, Heel?
Wonder Woman’s boots!!!  Lynda Carter probably has a lot to do with my boot affinity.  Man, she could really spin in those boots!
If price were no object, I’d go for the Gucci Techno horsebit high heel platform boot.  I’m not tall, so I like a little added height.
Is there any style of Boots that women wear 
that you absolutely would NOT wear? Why?
Not really.  I’m not big on mid-calf boots, 
but I do own a couple of pairs.
You work in Denver, Colorado. 
What can you tell us about the city 
and it's surrounding area? 
How is it different than other places 
you have lived and worked?
Why do we want to come visit Colorado?
I love living in Colorado!  I grew up in the Midwest, and I’ve also lived around Texas and in San Diego.  Colorado brings the best of all of those worlds together.  We have great weather, amazing scenery, mountains, all  four seasons, a bit of the old west, and down-to-Earth people.  I love the sunshine, and we have more days of it than almost any other city.  From culture to education to natural monuments and history, you can find everything you’d want or need in Colorado!  It’s such a great place to raise children, too.
Is the news business in Colorado any different 
than other places you have worked?
News viewers in the Denver Metro area and surrounding cities are often well-educated, politically and socially diverse.  Colorado marches to the beat of its own drum.
How old were you when you knew 
this is what you wanted to do?
I used to use a cassette recorder to tape my own “farm report” growing up in Iowa!  That said, I was more interested in politics and speech writing until my later college years.  I went through speech therapy as a child, and was really into the debate team in high school, so those things helped shape my future as a broadcaster.
What advice would you give a young person 
just starting out in the business? 
Be versatile and flexible.  No one’s completely sure where the industry is headed right now, but the news is still about people, so make sure you don’t lose personal contact with the world around you.
What’s the typical work day for you? 
Is part of the next day’s show planned 
before you leave,  or do you 
only prepare the day of the show? 
My alarm(s) go off at 1:30 AM.  My co-anchor and I meet with our producers and executive producer when we walk in the door to get a snapshot of the day.  Then, we help write, research, and do whatever the producers need help with to make it a great show!  We’re on the air from 5-9 AM, then we follow up with several meetings and talk about the next day.  We all keep in touch throughout the day about new story ideas and coverage plans.
There's a Saturday Night Live skit where three cast members play morning show anchors shooting promos for the week. They're bright and cheery while the cameras are rolling but don't talk in between takes.  There's Definitely GREAT chemistry on Good Day Colorado between you and Kirk, Jen, Ken and everyone else. You all seem to converse, laugh and smile easily, it doesn't appear contrived at all.  Is that chemistry something that can be manufactured or does it just happen organically? And how great is it to work in an environment like that?
I love that skit - the one with Drake?  We all got a good laugh over that.  I have known anchors like that, so it does happen, but not at Good Day Colorado!  I LOVE this team of people - the folks both on and off the air.  We work extremely well together.  With the four of us - Kirk, Jen, Ken, and me - what you see is what you get.  We kid around just as much when the camera's not rolling!  Everyone works hard and brings something unique to the table.  There's no "weak link."  I can't imagine a job I would enjoy more!  I really do look forward to coming to work and seeing everyone every morning.  With a four hour morning show, you have to keep the energy up, so the viewers can count on you to start that day.  That's very difficult to do if you're faking a good mood.  I try to do my part to keep things light, but professional.
During your career in this business what types of reporting have you been most passionate about?
I've always thrived in breaking news situations, and I particularly enjoy field anchoring.  I relish the opportunity to engage with the community, whether in a time of crisis or celebration, in order to tell a story and help deliver information.  Also, I'm thrilled to be heading back to St. Jude for my second trip reporting on that amazing research hospital and the children and families who need it so desperately.  My husband's brother, for whom our son is named, died of leukemia.  He was treated at St. Jude, back in the days when there was a bout a 20% chance of survival.  Now it's more than 80%!  We owe much of that to St. Jude.
I know it’s a broad term but what’s the best part of social media as it relates to your field?  Is there anything about social media that makes it more challenging to do your job?
I get a kick out of "talking" with viewers and sharing news and behind the scenes tidbits.  I think it's great, and we're learning how to use social media more effectively all the time.  It brings us closer to the viewers.  However, it means traditional news organizations are under even more pressure to get accurate news on the air as fast as possible. 
Is there anything that your viewers 
and fans don’t know about you 
that would really surprise them?
I love garage sales.  I can walk on stilts.  I am a total Star Wars geek.  My household revolves around movie quotes. 
Last question. If someone offered you 
the choice of these four jobs, 
which one would you take?  
1) Host of the Today Show      
2) A reporter on 60 Minutes 
3) Cast member on Saturday Night Live 
4) Host of a Travel or Food Network Show
Anchoring mornings in Denver is a dream I wouldn't want to give up!  If I had to pick though, I'd still want to do mornings, so I suppose I'd choose the network AM show gig.  You get to do a little of everything and help people start each day off right - with information and a positive attitude.  That's very fulfilling for me!
for taking the time for this interview.

It's Still Boots Season For Kathryn Humpreys

THANK YOU to our Canadian Contributor!