Thursday, September 20, 2012

A St. Louis reader leads us to the elusive Angie Mock

A BIG THANK YOU to JGibsonBlog for not only 
alerting us to the fact that Angie booted up,
but for also sending that first picture!
Every since Angie left Oklahoma City for St. Louis, 
we haven't seen as much of her on the blog. 
I'll try and rectify that this year.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Welcome Back Ricki Lake

Thanks for the alert roadglide!!!

Will she be a boot wearer?

It's Zohreen Adamje of Fox 40 in Sacramento.
Will she be as much of a boot lover as 
the other lovely ladies from Sacramento?
Only time will tell, but the good news is that
Sacramento's day time highs are now in the 80s,
which is much better for us than the 90s and 100s
they've been experiencing for what seems like forever!

Maybe if we all wish really, really hard, the temps will start 
dropping in Sacramento, to the 70s, 60s, 50s...