Monday, August 12, 2013

You Won't Get Lost Looking For Amelia Earhart In Boots

Amelia Rose Earhart is a Meteorologist at KUSA-TV in Denver


The Multi Talented and Big Hearted Jordan Carson Brings Her 
Sweet Smile and Engaging Personality to the Blog Interview Stage.
Jordan, Thank you VERY MUCH for allowing us to interview you!!
What were your first thoughts when you found out there was 
a Blog called "The Appreciation of Booted Newswomen"?
At first I laughed! I had never seen a blog that was dedicated 
to women in media that focused on fashion and foot attire. 
What do you think of the Blog?  Have you had a chance to look at it much? If so, have you looked to see what other women in the television industry are wearing, not only in boots, but in clothes in general?
It’s entertaining to see how various newswomen dress and coordinate different outfits with footwear. It’s interesting to see the style difference in various markets.
 Have any of your colleagues in the 
business mentioned the Blog to you? 
If so, what are their reactions to the Blog?
They have never heard of it before. When I mention it to 
my colleagues they are intrigued and pull up the site.
Have you always been a Boot Lover?
Always. Living in Michigan, with lake effects, you never know what the weather will be. I always keep black boots at my desk because the weather could change drastically from day to day.
Do you always buy new Boots every fall 
when the new fashions come out?
I usually buy 1-2 new pair when fall comes around. I like having a variety of black and brown with different sized heels, leather and suede.
Where are your favorite spots to shop for Shoes and Boots?
I love DSW because of their huge selection, but I try to shop local to help boost our economy. We have so many great shops and local boutiques. 
Is there a certain pair of boots you wish you had? 
What is the Style, Color, Height, Heel?
I have quite a few boots now, but when fall hits this year, I will probably look for brown leather heeled boots and a new pair of black leather. 
I’ve always wanted a pair of Louboutins, but 
I can’t bring myself to make the big purchase. 
Is there any style of Boots that women wear 
that you absolutely would NOT wear? Why?
High heeled boots with open toes. Something about 
the open toe I can’t get used to. I’ve seen it 
look great on other ladies, but it’s not really my style.
 You are based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 
What can you tell us about the city and it's surrounding area? 
Why do we want to come visit West Michigan?
All of West Michigan is really amazing. It’s a big small city! Everything you could ever want is here. We have the most philanthropic community, kind people who make up our city, Lake Michigan, and all four seasons! We’re growing in size and creativity, so you never know what’s exciting and new around the corner!
We see you on WOOD-TV in Grand Rapids 
but also WOTV-TV in Battle Creek. 
I know they are both owned by LIN Media. 
What do you do for each station?
WOOD TV8 is an NBC affiliate. At WOOD TV I work with eightWest, our morning lifestyle show. I work as a fill-in host and also do stories in the field interviewing exciting businesses and feature fun community events. My weekly segment on the show is the Social Sizzle and features charitable events in the community where people can “Live Local-Give Local”. I love that it gives awareness to people who want to give back in a fun way around our community, but don’t know of weekly events they can attend. There’s always a charitable event to attend. On WOTV4-our ABC affiliate I work as the Entertainment Correspondent featuring charitable and entertainment events. I also cover the Academy Awards on the red carpet each year. All of the interviews and events are also added to our web content on as part of the Social Sizzle.
We've seen pictures of you singing with a band.  
What is the name of your band and what type of music do you play?
Ha! I am the lead singer for a great band! They brought me on four years ago as their singer. We play everything from Janis Joplin 
to Carrie Underwood, U2 and Journey. 
How often do you have shows and does the band just play in Grand Rapids or if not, how far away do you travel for gigs?
We play across the country for corporate events and weddings.
I heard somewhere that you're something of a 'gear head'. Is that true?  
Does knowing a lot about cars come naturally in Michigan?
I’m not sure if it comes natural from living in Michigan, but I love talking about cars. I guess you could call me a bit of a gear head. I think it’s funny when someone starts talking about a particular vehicle and I rattle off the engine configurations, horsepower and torque. 
I think people are surprised that I would even know 
the difference between horsepower and torque.
You're involved a lot in the community. 
What do you get out of it?  
What can you say to someone who doesn't volunteer now to 
get them to go out and start doing more in their community?
Growing up my parents always taught me the importance of giving back, so it has stuck with me throughout adulthood. I honestly think it’s the most rewarding feeling. People are so philanthropic in West Michigan, and it’s easy to give back here. All across the country, however, there is always a need whether it’s clothing, food, financial help or just a gesture of kindness. If everyone could help just one person, that kindness would trickle across the globe. 
We've had a few readers request that we ask anyone we interview if they have a favorite charity that we can put a donation link up for.  
It would give readers an option to make a donation 
as a way to say 'Thank You' for being on the Blog. 
Is there a charity you would like us to put up a donation link up for?
In West Michigan we have so many amazing charities. Some of the charities I work with are Kids’ Food Basket, ART-Artists Creating Together, Helen DeVos Childrens’ Hospital and Feeding America West Michigan.
Note- If you do decide to donate, you could make a note that it is in honor of Jordan Carson - Barry
Last question. If someone offered you 
the choice of these four jobs, 
which one would you take?  
1) Host of the Today Show      
2) A reporter on 60 Minutes 
3) Host of Entertainment Tonight   
4) Host or Coach on NBC's The Voice
That’s a tough one. I love GR, but if I ever had the chance to host the Today Show or Entertainment Tonight, I’d definitely take that opportunity. But Grand Rapids will always be home.

for taking the time for this interview.