Thursday, April 18, 2013


Yeah, it's been a long, long time.
Such a sight, 
You're lookin' better than anyone has a right to.
Don't you know we're playin' with the fire?
But we can't stop this booted desire,
Ah-Me-Lee-AH! Here we go again!
Ah-Me-Lee-AH! Is it ever gonna end?
Ah-Me-Lee-AH! Here we go again!
 I see your boots and I know that I've been missin' them.
I never knew how badly I was missin' them.
We both know summer's never going to make it,
When we see your boots, we never have to fake it,
Ah-Me-Lee-AH! Here we go again!
Ah-Me-Lee-AH! Is it ever gonna end?
Ah-Me-Lee-AH! Here we go again!

Is Boot Season Coming to an End?

This is what it looks like in Minneapolis-St. Paul
right now.  So, at least here, it appears Boot Season may last a while.  But it is actually Spring in most areas, so we are winding down and I just wanted to tell everyone that I will probably be taking  a break this year and not posting every day, including summer, like I did last year.  It could happen real soon, so I just wanted to THANK all of the viewers and contributors for a fantastic Boot Season!!

Looks Like She Made It

I came across this today so I sprang in to action. 
Katy Bergen wrote that she hasn't 
'Made It' until she's on the Blog.

We're very Thankful to see you on the Blog Katy.
Stop By anytime you like!!!

Hey Melanie Ng!! Call Me. Maybe?

THANK YOU to our Canadian Contributor

Guess Who. Guess Where. Hint: Photo was taken this week

Yes Thamo, you are correct, this is Springtime in Minnesota.
Under that hood is the lovely Liz Collin of WCCO.


And Katrina is EXCITED to renew her Boot Battle 
with Dr. Katharine van Fossen