Sunday, September 23, 2012

WEEKEND BOOTS for Alix Kendall

Alix was at Minnehaha Park today emceeing the

These look to be flat heeled 'biker' style boots,
which we've never seen her wear on air.
It makes you wonder what other boots she has
that she may think are too 'casual' for The Buzz.

A portion of the proceeds from Women Run the Cities 
will benefit the Ann Bancroft Foundation’s 
Dare to Dream mini-grants and the CREW Foundation.


Emily Deschanel stars as Dr. Temperance Brennan
in the Fox TV show BONES 

They Wear Boots EVERY DAY

Liddy and Kaime

The Fox Sports Southwest Girls

Leyna Nguyen Is A Boot Lover Extroadinaire

Here's Leyna with Lisa Siggell on the left and Jackie Johnson on the right