Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cleveland's Desiray Cross filled in nicely on Live On Lakeside

Here's Desiray's bio from the WKYC website:
Desiray, the weekday disc jockey on Cleveland’s New 102, has been a fixture in Cleveland radio for more than 18 years  and joins “Live on Lakeside” as a feature/lifestyle reporter.
Mom of three kids, Des and her husband Alan enjoy a relaxing ride on their Harley, taking their son and 3 dogs for a long walk in the park, a great restaurant, a good glass of wine, Des is the self-proclaimed "Queen of Laser-Tag" and probably the worst bowler in Cleveland, she's the one that will do/try anything - she's gone skydiving, parasailing, ziplined off a building 
- challenge her. She likes that.

THREE FOR THREE. Kaylin, Angie and Jenny are all booted for the ballgame

I'm disappointed the Fox Sports North Girls aren't wearing  
taller boots, but the season is still young and hopefully  
as  the weather gets colder, the Boots will get higher