How many Doctors do you know that wear Over the Knee Grey Suede Boots?

WOW!!  This Dr. Teresa Knight of Women's Health Specialists in St. Louis. It's too bad it wasn't Virginia Kerr conducting the interview as Virginia was decked out on Knee High Brown Leather today. That would have been quite the Boot Battle.


It's beauty expert Celeste Hill in black leather, and cozy in cream is Erica Fox of Fox 5 in San Diego.


Welcome to the Blog, Dawn Lopez !!!

I get very excited when I get to post new additions to the blog's roster of booted newswomen.  Dawn is the newscaster on the Fox 30 Morning News in jacksonville, Florida. I hope to see you again Dawn!

Mobile Boot Battle

Here's a black leather boot battle between Cherish Lombard and Amy from the Mobile Animal Rescue Foundation, along with the Bootsniffer, Calypso.